San Francisco Bay Area, California 408 227-5767

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"Fighting City Hall"
Lillian Lieberman and Denise Johnson Kula file injunctions for CCAC at San Francisco City Hall, January 14, 2005.

Organizational Meeting, June 2005
Front Row: Secretary Lillian Lieberman, Jacqueline Kehl, Florence Yuen, and Kathy Haddock
Back Row: Marilyn Raubitschek, President Denise Johnson-Kula, Treasurer Bruce Dronek, Claudette Main, and Vice-President Linda Corwin
Back Row: Marilyn Raubitschek, President Denise Johnson-Kula, Treasurer Bruce Dronek, Claudette Main, and Vice-President Linda Corwin

Founding of First CCAC Satellite Group in Pacifica, CA
Linda Corwin and Denise Johnson Kula, July 2005.

Television Interview with Channel 26 in Pacifica, CA
Sharron Walker of Pacifica Currents (Pacifica Community Television, Inc., Channel 26) interviews Linda Corwin and Denise Johnson-Kula of Citizens Concerned About Chloramine, July 14, 2005.

Open Forum at the San Francisco West Side Democratic Club
CCAC President Denise Johnson-Kula (top two photos) debates SFPUC representative Maureen Barry (third photo) on chloramine, August 22, 2005.

CCAC Board of Directors
Clockwise around table: Jacqueline Kehl (foreground), Secretary Lillian Lieberman, Rita Solk, President Denise Johnson-Kula (middle), Treasurer Bruce Dronek, Kory Trebbin, Vice-President Linda Corwin.

Informational Meeting Presentation in Pacifica, CA, November 9, 2005
Top photo: Speakers Ken Russo, Vice-President Linda Corwin, and President Denise Johnson-Kula.
Middle photo: Toxic Baths and Showers Presentation.
Bottom photo: audience Q and A session.
Middle photo: Toxic Baths and Showers Presentation.
Bottom photo: audience Q and A session.

CCAC Asks for Health Studies on Chloramine at Bay Area Water Supply Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) Board Meeting, November 2005
Back Row: Kory Trebbin, Ken Russo, Linda Corwin, Denise Johnson-Kula, Gregory Kula.
Front Row: Florence Yuen, Lillian Lieberman, Marilyn Raubitschek.
Front Row: Florence Yuen, Lillian Lieberman, Marilyn Raubitschek.

CCAC Mails Its First Newsletter, March 22, 2006
Top photo, left: Ken, Lillian, Chris, and Anne
Top photo, right: Denise, Linda, Jan, Bruce, and Marty
Middle photo: Anne, Denise, and Linda
Bottom photo: Denise, Linda, Jan, Bruce, and Marty
Top photo, right: Denise, Linda, Jan, Bruce, and Marty
Middle photo: Anne, Denise, and Linda
Bottom photo: Denise, Linda, Jan, Bruce, and Marty

Sunnyvale Health and Safety Fair, May 6, 2006
Top two photos: CCAC members at Booth
Bottom photo: Ken Russo shows onlookers corrosive effects of chloramine on plumbing.
Bottom photo: Ken Russo shows onlookers corrosive effects of chloramine on plumbing.

Corrosive Effect of Chloramine on Water Heater Pipes
Top photo: corrosion on top of water heater caused by leak
Second photo: hot water output pipe
Third photo: cold water intake pipe
Note that heated chloraminated water is much more corrosive than cold chloraminated water.
Second photo: hot water output pipe
Third photo: cold water intake pipe
Note that heated chloraminated water is much more corrosive than cold chloraminated water.